Les relacions entre l'Administració i l'administrat des del punt de vista del llenguatge administratiu i jurídic
In order to improve the communication between the administration and the people administered by it, the personnel in charge of the language Services of the Catalan administration have set themselves from 1979, the year the Estatut d'Autonomia was passed, to create an administrative and juridical language that are both modern and intelligible. In this article, the characteristics of such a language are described, a language that is intended to make the relationship between the administration and the citizens easier and more equal. Basically, the style of this language must be distant, but polite; it refuses completely any humiliating treatment towards those administered, eliminating any pleading, form of request; it proposes equality of people from both sexes before the administration and in this respect it tries to avoid any reference to the masculine gender in any of the documents, even though this aspect has yet to be solved (in this part, the author studies the different solutions not to violate the right to an equal treatment for both sexes before the administration); it recommends a personal form of treatment between the administration and those administered (the author deals with different aspects of the subject of treatment); it is characterized by its formal tone as regards its precise, direct and orderly style; and finally it demands, as far as the types of documents are concerned, specific structures based mainly on the request (document whose elements are presented in the article, and those of the records of proceeding, too). AU these efforts to democratize the administrative and juridical language are intended to simplify all administrative forms in order to benefit the administered for as, after all, the administration must be in the service of the citizens.