Estendre l'ús interpersonal del català (per, i) conservar-ne la seva qualitat

Josep M. Aymà Aubeyzon


In the contex of the process of linguistic normalization, an intervention on the part of the Administration to encourage the use of spoken Catalan and extend its use to new speakers becomes necessary. The institutionalized use of the language -by the mass media, educational programs, or administrative bodies- is limited and becomes impoverished since it is more premeditated that spontaneous. On the other hand, the private and conversational use of Catalan has diminished due to the social integration of the sons and daughters of immigrants. Linguistic normalization can be directed towards the "consumption" of Catalan (in order to appease Catalan speakers) or, rather, set out to "win" potential Catalan speakers (active use directed towards a language change). Both strategies are complementary, but the first one has so far received more support and attention. A message of encouragement to speak Catalan issued from the Administration would not only contribute to the normalization of the Catalan language, but also help achieve social cohesion in Catalonia. In order to produce successful results, a campaign of this kind must be correctly aimed at different segments of the population and adapt its contents accordingly. Moreover, it would be convenient to test the campaign "in the laboratory" before launching it under real conditions so that an adequate approach can be ensured. A strategy of this sort could halt the present situation in which Castilian is the dominant language -except when the communication takes place among Catalan speakers- and would transform the usual language behavior, in favor of a greater and better use of Catalan at an interpersonal level.

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