Un nou model lingüístic per a Europa
Although in some ways the linguistic model of the European Community tries to prevent the progressive impoverishment of European language plurality, in practice this model is not only discriminatory as regards languages within the EC that are not state languages, but also contradicts some Community principles, such as subsidiarity, or the notion of serving its citizens instead of using them. At the same time, the crisis of the definition of official and work languages is made more evident with the prospect of an EC enlargement. In order to stimulate plurilingualism, the author proposes that the EC promote the study of a minimum of two Community languages, in addition to one's own official language. Moreover, in order to guarantee the survival of Europe's cultural and linguistic heritage, the EC should push forward measures of "positive discrimination" to halt the tendency by business and political interests in general to reduce the number of languages used. It is becoming necessary to formulate a new linguistic model for Europe based on strict respect for languages in their geographical context, giving them priority over other languages, even if the latter are state languages. Instead of the distinction between "official" and "other" languages -which should not exceed four or five; it is important to bear in mind the bilingual model of the European Council- and "all other languages". The latter would all become official languages. The goal would be for the EC to give preference to the defense of its cultural and linguistic heritage in the face of any economic considerations. In this sense, it would be important to strengthen the functions and powers of the European Bureau of Leser Used Languages.