Recull bàsic de terminologia jurídica catalano-aràbiga

Pere Balañà i Abadia


There remain an important amount of documents resulting from the intense diplomatic and commercial contacts between Catalans and Arabs in the Middle Ages. Their study could provide lexical and phraseological parallels between both languages. However, due to their considerable linguistic evolution, it is necessary to reestablish the juridical formulae for diplomatic relations. To this end, the author has selected 300 terms and expressions from the basic Catalan juridical vocabulary and their equivalents in Arabic; terms which represent a supposed «basic Catalano-Arabic judicial lexicon ». This compendium sets down criteria for the compilation of a Catalan- Arabic, Arabic-Catalan dictionary which would classify its content according to register, although in this work the basic entries in both languages have been divided into only two registers: basic and complementary. Moreover, striving to bring phonetic equivalents in both languages closer, the author presents a new simple method of phonetico-graphic transliteration of Arabic which could be used by the media. Finally, the author proposes that the Catalan public institutions should support the publishing of an extensive glossary in order to facilitate contacts which the Arabic world, since the only existing glossary (Spanish-Arabic, Arabic-Spanish) contains a large number of mistakes and ambiguities

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