Legislació reguladora de la presència de la llengua catalana en la radiodifusió del Principat
Broadcasting has played an important role in the normalization of Catalan, especially over the last 15 years. Starting from the time democracy was restored, with the Spanish Constitution and the Statute of Autonomy providing the legal framework, the intervention of the political sector, mainly that of the autonomous government -- which has the power to regulate radio and television -- has had two aims: first, to normalize language (act of 1983); and secondly, to promote and encourage the use of Catalan (act of 1998). During the Franco period, the presence of Catalan in broadcasting was very limited. In 1976, the first Catalan-language radio station (Radio 4) was created, and in 1983, the central government and the Autonomous Government of Catalonia launched the Catalan Radio and Television Corporation. These organizations from the early years saw to it that a language which had heretofore lacked the proper instruments for use in the audiovisual media was updated. The Language Policy Act of 1/1998 represents a substantial change. The law provides for the promotion and encouragement of Catalan, and also makes reference to private broadcasting on Catalan territory, introducing the quota system (a minimum of 50 % of Catalan-language programming in general terms, with periods of adaptation). Agreements are provided for in the medium term with radio stations whose base is outside of Catalonia, but that broadcast to Catalonia. The Act also regulates the presence of Catalan-language songs (at least 25 %). The use of the Catalan language, according to the terms of the law, is an important element in the granting and renewal of licenses for commercial radio stations. The law also provides for sanctions, which have been criticized in many sectors.